Get every teacher started with digital instruction

Access trusted and standards-aligned lessons, videos, learning games, and activities for every grade and subject.

Built in partnership with trusted K-12 brands

The best educational resources, made interactive with Nearpod.

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Pre-made resources for every instructional moment

Access standards-aligned lessons, videos, and quick activities for all grades and subjects.


Slides-based lessons Lessons for any grade and subject featuring trusted educational resources and Nearpod’s signature interactive activities.

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Interactive videos Includes Nearpod Originals and curated teacher favorites, with questions built in to check for understanding.

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Gamification & activities Launch a quick activity for review, extra practice, differentiation, centers, and more.

Check out an activityright yellow arrow

Pre-made resources for every instructional moment

Access standards-aligned lessons, videos, and quick activities for all grades and subjects.


Launch live lessons and videos with any conferencing solution. Sync student screens or assign self-paced lessons for independent work.

Explore a lessonright teal arrow

Includes Nearpod Originals and curated teacher favorites, with questions built in to check for understanding.

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Launch a quick activity for review, extra practice, differentiation, centers, and more.

Check out an activityright yellow arrow

Bring the power of technology to research-based instruction

Digital lessons made with best teaching practices in mind

Digital lessons made with best teaching practices in mind

Ready to bring the Nearpod Library to your school or district?

You don’t have to choose between engaging content and delivering standards-aligned instruction. Get in touch to learn more.

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